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Fauvism Still Life

3rd Graders began this project by studying the artwork of Henri Matisse. Students recognized how Matisse's artwork did not try to look realistic, but Matisse instead used exaggerated bright colors and strong black outlines on his shapes.


Students also saw images of Matisse's paper cutouts, which he made later in his life. Combining Matisse's fauvist style with his paper cutouts, students created their own Fauvism cut-and-paste still life!


The project began with students drawing simple flowers on a large sheet of paper. They outlined these flowers in black oil pastel, and then use watercolor to give the flower their bright beautiful color.


Students create their vases using a similar process, focusing on including patterns on the surface.


Then, we created the background which includes the pedestal that the vase sits on. 


Students cut out the flowers and vase, and strategically glued them onto their painted background paper!

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