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In this lesson, students focused on identifying the characteristics of a hero. What qualities does a hero have? How can you be a hero inside and outside of school?...The purpose of this lessons was to remind students the importance of helping others and to treat everyone with respect and care.


This lesson was inspired by artist William Estrada, who can be seen as a hero in his community. Estrada strives to bring people together by inviting passers to take part in his Community Art Cart. Estrada provides free artwork to people out in the community, focusing on unifying, meeting, and interacting with a diverse crowd of participants. 


The students took inspiration from Estrada and built upon it. Students focused on creating a cape that shows who they are, and how they can be heroes in their community.


Another part of this lesson was to create a short 4-scene comic strip. This portion of the lesson focused on developing narratives to help the students understand how heroes can improve everyday life. These heroic stories would then go on to inspire the following lesson: Everyday Heroes Video.

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